Today was such a busy day. In the late morning the girls and I went to visit the coast of LA (jeez, I want to live in one of those houses facing the Ocean!) and got til Linzy's favourite lighthouse. The weather was awesome and the landscape was gorgeous. Around noon we went back home to get ready for Thanksgiving celebration.

And what can I say? We left around 1.30pm and just got back!(1.15am). I'm happy to say that I survived to one of my biggest dinners ever! Wow! The American Thanksgiving is simply amazing. Apart from the great food - omg, i love chocolate pies - I really enjoyed the atmosphere in the house. I could actually smell Love. Well, Turkey and Love;) Everybody was so happy to see each other again, and they were all so curious to know more about those "three strangers"! Useless to say that everytime I introduced myself the reaction was "what!?Ca..Car..what?"..haha..yeah, I cannot hide my Italian roots. But it was nice to tell them about my new Scottish side :)
We started eating around 5pm and we kept going til about 10pm...yeah, I feel like I'm gonna be fine for three days in terms of food haha;)

I had such a great time and I'm really grateful for all this. I'm surrounded by amazing people, I'm such a blessed. Thanks Linzy for giving me this chance :)
Brief update: Black Friday in a few hours, and then....HOLLYWOOD!!!
wow mi amore woooowww...