We got there around 9am, and...OMG, the queue was ENDLESS O_O

We were getting close to the front of the queue when Jenny noticed our friend from the IHouse in California queuing in the express lane. So we called him which embarassed him in front of everybody - his face was a beetroot shade of purple haha. Small world!
We finally took the ferry to the island, and it was great!
I took some pictures of the Manhattan skyline, and of the Statue of course. It was massive! If you will ever go to New York, this is definitely a must-see!
After getting the wrong waterbus, we finally went back to downtown.
Our next stop was the Guggenheim Museum: My dad OBVIOUSLY reminded me to visit it, he was like "Omg, you cannot NOT go there!". So, yeah, dad, that was really good! ;)
I had goosebumps every five minutes! It was sooo good to get to see all the paintings that I used to study. "Ahh look at Monet!" "Oh my God, that's a Picasso!"
I am so happy I managed to visit - it was really worth it!
After that, we headed to the Met, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Unfortunately we only got to see a small part of it because it was going to close in twenty minutes. We decided that we will visit it properly in the next few days though :)
We briefly walked through Central Park, and that was reaaaally romantic - despite the lack of men haha.
After walking for ages and ages, getting lost like a hundred times and complaining like kids (damn knees!), we took the subway to go to Brooklyn. The plan was to join Derek and his friends for New Year's Eve, eating somethind at his place and then enjoy the countdown from the Brooklyn Bridge.
Around 22.15pm we left the apartment and got to the bridge. It was exactly as I've always imagined it: Massive and impressive! It was not too cold, so it has been a really enjoyable New Year's Eve! I'm very happy I spent it with some good friends in this amazing city. And from an awesome perspective!
After a really good celebration, Jenny and I got back home. It was really nice meeting new - drunk - people in the subway though, haha O_O
Damn huge amazing city, I'm ready for another great day - my legs maybe not though ahah! :D
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