Living in a Dream - or Living in a Movie?

I'm opening my eyes. I'm opening my mind. I'm now a Citizen of the World. Italy, Scotland and California have given - and are still giving me - the chance to see the World from other points of view; Points of view made of different smiles, ideas, religions and values. Simply amazing to learn how to deal with all of that.

domenica 9 gennaio 2011

Day 22: Looong Drive through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi to Louisiana!

We were scheduled to leave at 8am yesterday. Yes. Sure -.-
I woke up, without any alarm. I looked around me. Everybody asleep. Okay. I looked at the clock: 8am. Wtf.
I woke up the others and SLOOOWLY we started to get ready.
After ONLY two hours delay, we managed to leave.

We visited downtown, and I really enjoyed that tour. Downtown Miami is exactly like I imagined it, or better, how "CSI Miami" influenced my idea of it ;)
Skyscrapers, palms, police with ;)

Around 11am we headed to the highway. After twenty minutes drive, someone had the GREAT idea of driving on the opposite direction to go and get a $3 meal in a casino (the same we found on our way to Miami, 3days before). 
Twenty minutes drive in the opposite direction (I mean, opposite to our final destination - and we were already out of schedule, shit -.-), we got to that damn casino.
We got inside and with a lovely smile we asked about that meal.

"We don't have that meal"
"But we got it three days ago..."
"Oh..that's during working days"
"Okay.......What about the $10 meal?"
"There's a $16 meal if you want - and it includes champagne"
"The billboard on the highway said it was $10..."
"No, I don't know anything about that..."

Bla bla bla. After twenty minutes, Ace won the battle against the receptionist. He managed to get the offer for $10, and after that we decided to leave. Heading to the closest CVS -.-"

Back on the highway, we drove for about an hour. We stopped for gas. And we noticed that the car said "Change oil". PANIC. We called oour rental car company to ask what to do, and they said we should have gone to the closest department to change the car. CHANGE THE CAR!? SERIOUSLY!? AFTER 6000MILES!???NOOO!!!Our Megmobile...that was supposed to reach the 10000 miles!
Anyways, we also realized that we should have told them also about the other, umm, "accident" (the stop sign in Wyoming..ahha) before returning the car. So Ace called again to say that. "Yes...there was ice..on the ground..and..we slipped before the stop sign..damaged the stop sign!? NO, NOOO....just the car........" YES. Haha. Eveything worked out though.

SOOOOOOOOO, we had to drive back to ORLANDO to find that other rental car department. It took us like half an hour, and we got there at 5ish. And yes, another show: We had to choose the car that would have replaced ours (R.I.P.).
We chose exaclty the same car, but with a shitty license plate: NEVADA. (Ace's quote: "Who the fuck wants to be from Nevada!??"). Thirty minutes after, and we finished moving all our stuff. Ready to go, and..."CHANGE OIL".
Wtf! Again!? That was unbeliavable! We had to choose ANOTHER car, and move everything again!!! This time it was a car from Florida at least, it will look cool once we'll ba back to California ;)
After TWO ENDLESS HOURS spent in Orlando trying to find a new car, we went back on the road.

7pm. And we were still in Florida. Crap.
The GPS said that the expected arrival time in New Orleans would have been at about 5am. Go help us.
The guys have been really good with shifts as usual, and I fell an angel. Hahahha.


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